New Chapter

Created by lynda 14 years ago
Mum would have said she had an ordinary life , but it was far from ordinary. born into poverty she was left to bring up her three sisters almost single handedly. rising at dawn to light a fire , feed them get them to school, before taking herself off to walk miles to her job as a servant, aged just 14!. she fought for her counrty in the second world war as a WAF, and when she met my father became preganant with me . she was kicked out of the home in shame and then had to single handedly bring me up ! ordinaary ? no a devoted mother and sister, she was one of the most loved and extraordinay people in the world. she was with me when I took my first breath , I was with her when she took her last . I love you mum , more than words can say , sleep in perfect peace my darling , until I come to you .